Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?

ugh..worst? as in..worst? ugh..let me think..ugh..first day high ata yun?

Ask me anything

If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?

ugh..I'm the lion trainer?

Ask me anything

What do you think about so far?

good time killer..haha..:)

Ask me anything

If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose?


Ask me anything

Star Trek or Star Wars?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in God?


Ask me anything

Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?

ugh..err..large company..with tall buildings and all..

Ask me anything

What song do you want played at your funeral?

pang parteeeeyy!!

Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?


Ask me anything

What website do you spend the most time on?

facebook and twitter..haha..

Ask me anything

What was your favorite movie as a child?

casper..little mermaid..anastacia..pocahontas..:)

Ask me anything

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

ninjas..bigla-biglang nawawala..oha..oha..:)

Ask me anything

Who's your favorite musician?

paramore baby! hahaha..eraserheads..juan dela cruz band..(rakenrol pepe smith!) jimmy pang iba! haha..:)

Ask me anything

Who's the most talented person you know?

hmm..most talented..ugh..wait..ako ata? naah..kidding..err..teka..sino ba? ugh..can't think of any one..haha..XD

Ask me anything

What's the secret to happiness?

being contented to what you sense?

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

eh..tagbilaran city..bwahahahaha..ewan..wala naman..

Ask me anything

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

my mom..haha..but aside from her..elem: ms. atienza HS: Mr. Marquez College: Mrs. Lipiba-Paras :)

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality? first..I'm timid and quiet..but if you knew me better, you'll wish that I was...I have problems with loyalty because I am a bit loyal, I will stick with you till the end and will believe in everything you're capable of...I'm afraid of rejections, I really can't handle it well..I'm in between the schizoid-schizotypal-avoidant personality disorder, if you know what I mean..:)

Ask me anything

How many countries have you traveled to?

none so far..T_T

Ask me anything

What's the furthest you've ever traveled?

eh..bohol..haha..that's all..:)

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?


Ask me anything

What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

listen th song 'imagine' by john lennon..that's my answer for that question..:)

Ask me anything

Are you more of a talker or more of a listener?

I'm in between actually..when I'm with the people I'm comfortable with, I am the talker..but when I'm with the new species..I'm more of the listener..

Ask me anything

What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?

eh..the pinoy hip hop..tagalized..I'm much as I wanted to be nationalistic and all,'s quite annoying eh..why tagalized it? they have to put some effort in making and writing music instead..

Ask me anything

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?'s quite scary..:)

Ask me anything

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What was your favorite book as a child?


Ask me anything

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?

our tv..I can watch naman kasi sa computer e..salamat sa internet..:)

Ask me anything

Where'd you find out about

ugh..san ko nga ba nakita to? fb ng may fb, may nagpost, tanungin daw sya, tas may link yung sa profile nya..though di naman ako nagtanong sa kanya, nagsign up na lang ako dito since wala naman akong ginagawa that time..haha..XD

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest man alive?

goodlord..marami..but hands down..BRADD PITT PA DIN!!HAHAHAHA!!

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?

I'd rather be a famous musician..:)

Ask me anything

Would you rather be skinny with an ugly face or fat with a pretty face?

I"m fat with pretty face..char..hahaha..I'm fat..given..but with a pretty face? ugh..ugh..

Ask me anything

Monday, March 29, 2010

What was the best concert you went to?

errr.. the eraserheads final set? that's also the last one I've been to..T_T

Ask me anything

What was your first paying job?

no job...I have my incentives though...

Ask me anything

Who and when was your first kiss?

no one..T_T

Ask me anything

Cats or Dogs?


Ask me anything

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

I'm browsing videos in youtube, then I found the the how to kiss for the first time? it's hilarious and at the same time, pathetic..hahaha..

Ask me anything

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?

when I was a kid, I thought I was...

Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I'm in between introvert and that makes me..enxtrovert..hahaha..XD

Ask me anything

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will? notebooks in hs? I can't throw it has lots of poems and unfinished stories there..and oh, annoying sketches..

Ask me anything

Have you broken any bones? If so, how?

almost..I was in this awkward position sitting, then when I was about to get up, my bones cracked and it was almost dislocated..I can't stand since it hurts so much, my brother have to pull it just so it will come back to its original location..thought I have to be rushed to the hospital and have procedures and all..I was terrified..

Ask me anything

If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so you never had to do it again, what would it be?

errr..looking at the mirror? I can look at other mirror's na lang if ever..haha..XD

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a zombie or a mummy? least I'm covered..haha..XD

Ask me anything

If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?


Ask me anything

If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be?

are you really interested with Iraq's oil that's why you decided to attack them? it's not that I'm with Sadam Hussein...I think it's a bit cruel, since it's their country, why invade them?

Ask me anything

Where would you like to spend your retirement?

in his arms..charot..somewhere calm and not busy..somewhere relaxing and chill..

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's the oldest piece of clothing you still own and wear? highschool jogging pants..:)

Ask me anything

Are you a morning or night person?

mornight..I'm in between..haha..XD

Ask me anything

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?

Ask me anything

If you could master one skill what would it be?


Ask me anything

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?


Ask me anything

What would be the best thing about being a vampire?

being immortal..:)

Ask me anything

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

err..can't think of any one right now..haha..XD

Ask me anything

If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it?

Lalangling haha..XD

Ask me anything

Do you believe in life after death?

a bit..yes..:)

Ask me anything

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?


Ask me anything

Are you afraid of dying?

Ask me anything

If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been?

err..cellphone?? hahaha..can't think of any creative inventions right now..haha..XD

Ask me anything

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

beach baby..:)

Ask me anything

If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

as of now..I want to look like diana argon..hahaha..XD

Ask me anything

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

around the world baby..:)

Ask me anything

What's the origin of your name?

my initials came from the first letter of my family's fist name: M, S and G..

Ask me anything

What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?

err..cellphone and computer..

Ask me anything

What was your favorite TV show as a child?

err..hiraya manawari, sineskwela, bayani..err..anime nung 90s..haha..XD

Ask me anything

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?


Ask me anything

If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?

err..I want to be nodame..haha..

Ask me anything

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

err..banana split.haha..XD

Ask me anything

What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

sinamahan nila ako hanggang magumaga kasi umabot ako sa curfew ko sa dorm..

Ask me anything

Who's the most famous person you've met?

err..angel locsin?haha..XD

Ask me anything

What's the worst show on TV?

err..seriously? diz iz it..I'm sorry..and party pilipinas didn't even stroked me..

Ask me anything

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

err..not see is to believe..:)

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

worst travel? ugh..maybe, yung papunta sa bicol..sobrang sakit kasi ng tyan ko nun..

Ask me anything

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

err..seriously? 2 days..hahaha..XD

Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite drink?

water..haha..iced tea..:)

Ask me anything

If you could choose, how would you want to die?

err..I want to die instantly..I don't want to die because of sickness..I don't want to feel the pain and I don't want my loved ones to make their grief longer compared if I die in an instant..

Ask me anything

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

err..made me laugh? err..teka..ugh..can't remember..ugh..ayun..yung one more chance 2d..haha..:)

Ask me anything

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite genre of music?

all kinds..hahaha..specifically I like rock, pop, rnb, mellow..err..halos lahat..haha..:)

Ask me anything

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

err..I'm not in the mood to think of any names right now..haha..

Ask me anything

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

ME! hahaha..XD

Ask me anything

If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?


Ask me anything

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

err..nicest? I dunno.

Ask me anything

who's on your mind right now?

no one in particular..really..:)

Ask me anything

after 10 years, what do you think you're doing then?

I really don't know..I don't have any idea what I might be doing then..

Ask me anything

your current feeling right now?


Ask me anything

What's your biggest phobia?

err..I'm a bit afraid of failure? which I am right now? (pessimist much?)

Ask me anything

Monday, March 22, 2010

Boredom strikes..Survey..

5 Years Ago

Who was your best friend?
- maria clarissa m. sevilla

Where did you live?
- cainta, rizal

Did you have a job? What was it?
-no, still a high school student

What was your favorite band?
-the eraserheads..:)

How old were you?

Did you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Who did you have a crush on?
-kebs ng banggitin name niya, alam niya rin na naman..Randolph P. Victoria

Did you believe in Santa Claus?

Where did you hang out?
-sa bubong.:)

What was your favorite possession?

5 Months Ago

Did you believe in Santa Claus?

Had you been in an accident?
-no..thank god..:)

What was your favorite possession?
-err..favorite..hmm..pens? hahaha..>_<

Who was your best friend?
-still--Maria clarissa m. sevilla

What was your favorite band?
-Paramore and still the eraserheads:)

What was your favorite TV show?
-glee and gossip girl..:)

Where did you live?
-cainta, rizal

Did you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Did you have a job? What was it?

How old were you?


Do you know how to drive a car?

Do you have a job? What is it?

Are you single?

Do you know anyone who has never left their home state?

Where do you live?
-cainta, rizal

A bitch?

A daydreamer?



Energetic? really depends in my mood.


-sort of..

-I think so


- I dunno..but sometimes..I think, I am..


-most of the time..haha.:)

-err..a bit..


-err..not too much..


-I think so..haha..XD

-a bit.



-I think so


Strong (emotionally)?

Strong (physically)?









Fun to be around?

-err..I dunno..

Easily Amused?

-a bit


-a bit


-hell yes..haha..:)


-most of the times..yes..

-err..not much.

A good listener?
- I think, I am.


-a bit.


-most of the times..yes..I'm a bad liar..I dunno why..


-not much..






Hot Headed?

-not much

-not really



- I dunno


-not really.

- a bit





- I think so?



Who's the smartest person you know? best bud..haha..XD

Ask me anything

Who inspires you the most?

err..who? no one in particular..really..ugh..(thinking) one..

Ask me anything

What do you think is your most attractive feature?


Ask me anything

What was your favorite year?

I dunno why..but I like the year 2004..I don't really know why..

Ask me anything

Who's the most beautiful person you know?

err..the most?nah..err..dunno..

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated musician?

err..underrated musician..oh no..ugh..can't think of any artist right now that wasn't given much credit with their craft..ugh..I can't answer the question..O_o

Ask me anything

If you could master one skill what would it be?

err..skill in creating something? pa-inventor ang drama ko..XD

Ask me anything

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be? bestbud..haha..:)

Ask me anything

What was the weirdest gift you ever received?

err..ugh..a one peso coin..way back in my childhood..I think, it was my 6th or 7th birthday..

Ask me anything

Have you ever been fired? If so, why?

not yet..don't have job yet..XD

Ask me anything

Do you believe in angels?


Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?

zombie dance..hahaha..or robot dance..haha..>_<

Ask me anything

What's your favorite sport?

I'm really not an athletic junkie..but I prefer swimming..though I'm really not good at it..I just love to swim..:)

Ask me anything

What would your dream job look like?

err..something that I enjoy..

Ask me anything

Saturday, March 20, 2010

random Pictures, Images and Photos

wala namang partikular na topic bat ako nagpost..
wala lang..gusto ko lang..matagal na kasi akong hindi nagpopost ng gawa ko..puro repost lang lahat, mga ninakaw sa kung kani-kaninong blog tas ipopost dito, pero may credit din naman sa huli..ang kaso nga lang, nakakalimutan ko kung san ko nakuha...patawad kung ganun..

masyadong random tong post na to, at tinatype ko kung ano yung gusto kong itype...walang theme...basta nagtatype ako..gusto kong magpost...

Summer Pictures, Images and Photos

summer na..well, hindi naman obvious eh no? tagal ng summer..matagal ng mainit...matagal din ang tag-init...ang malamang, ang abril at mayo e, paumanhin sa pagwawangis, para sigurong impyerno ang klima, kahit na di pa naman ako nakakapunta doon...siguro sa future? wag, BV...hahaha..:)

nurse.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos

dalawang linggo lang ang bakasyon namin, gatas naman oh...duty na naman ako buong summer...ayoko ng magduty..promise..ayoko na atang magnursing e? bakit ganun...hindi ko pa din siya ma-appreciate? at habang papalapit na akong magtapos, kung papalarin, sa kursong to, bakit...parang...ayoko na? bakit parang...ramdam ko, hindi ko talaga ma-imagine, na isang araw, nasa ospital ako, nagtatrabaho, kaharap ang pasyente at kung anu-ano pa...bakit ganun? gusto ko mang kumawala sa akademyang naging aking tahanan sa tatlong taon, ayoko namang masayang...gusto kong umalis...oo...pero pag-alis ko...ano ba namang kahihinatnan ko? kukuhanin ko ang kursong parang sa tingin ko e ikasasaya ko at gusto ko? pero ang tanong...ano yun? hindi ko alam...kung ano...wala ata akong patutunguhan...parang nasa kawalan ata ako...hindi naman sa parang sumusuko na ako....feeling ko e, parang patapon na buhay ko...isang taon na lang...oo, isang taon na welcome-to-the-reality na ang drama ko at ng mga ka-batch ko...hindi pa ako handa...sabihin man na nating may pagka-pessimist ang approach, sa tingin ko, sa performance ko ngayon...hindi ako papasa niyan para sa board malamang...doon...doon ko siguro mararamdaman yung disappointment sakin ng parents ko...pagdating sa academics, wala silang problema sakin...pero, ewan ko na lang pagdating sa pagsusulit na na atang personal tong nilahad ko...ngayon ko lang narealize...

Hindi ko alam...bakit parang down pa din ako sa mga nakalipas na linggo? hindi ko alam...talaga...promise...parang..ewan ako...ewan talaga...kailangan ko ata ng makakausap at tama na ang kakalaro ng the sims at naaadik na naman ako?

Friend Pictures, Images and Photos

The Sims 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

wala sila ama at ina, nasa baguio ang saya-saya..may allowance ako for the whole week..ang ganda sana..ang kaso, bukas na sila baka bawiin pa yun..kailangang mag-isip ng idadahilan...para...di mabawi yung kailangang magconspire kay ina...hahahaha..

allowance Pictures, Images and Photos

err..the end.:)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ask me anything